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Energy Efficiency and Building Health

As energy costs skyrocket the inspection of buildings for air leakage, insulation deficiencies, and similar sources of increased climate control costs becomes essential. Roof systems are analyzed using thermography for locating leaks and roofing system failure. Thermography is essential to documenting construction progress to verify correct insulation installation and to confirm roofing has no post-installation defects.

Thermography can be a valuable tool for improving energy efficiency in buildings by identifying areas of heat loss, insulation deficiencies, and inefficient systems.


  • Reveals areas of heat loss in a building envelope, such as poorly insulated walls, windows, or doors. Identify temperature variations that indicate air leaks or insulation gaps. Focus on areas with the highest potential for energy savings.
  • Assess the effectiveness of insulation throughout the building, enabling you to target sections most in need of improvement.
  • Evaluate the performance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Identify duct leaks, inefficient airflow, or heat exchange problems. Improve the efficiency of HVAC systems and reducing energy consumption.
  • Identify electrical systems inefficiencies or faults that result in energy waste. Detect hotspots in electrical panels, connections, or equipment. Identify areas of high resistance or electrical overloads. Enhance the safety and reliability of the electrical system.
  • For buildings with solar panels, thermography can help monitor and optimize their performance. By analyzing the temperature patterns across the solar array, you can identify malfunctions, shading issues, or defective cells. This information allows for timely maintenance or repairs, ensuring maximum energy production.
  • During the commissioning process of a new building or retrofit project a thermographic survey can identify construction or installation defects that may impact energy efficiency.